Spend Management


Globespan Travel Management’s collaborative approach and proprietary tools, leverage technology to capture all spend analysis and cost savings reporting for all client services and group travel.

We harness big data for finite inference, utilizing reporting insight to inform adoption and strategy and provide clients with access to data through a real-time online dashboard and reporting system. Our dynamic system has the ability to generate more than 2,000 pre-formatted exportable reports, with the ability for customizations as needed. 

Globespan Travel Manager’s roots all program strategy in data analyzation in order to increase compliance and cost savings and adjust program segments if needed. Our team provides consultative analyses and services across every aspect of travel to ensure strategic and effective decision making at every step.

Above and beyond standard reporting, we offer all clients Business Travel Insights (BTI) web-based reporting platform not only illustrates spend data by category (such as air, hotel, car) via visually stunning dashboards but also shows the savings left on the table due to policy non-compliance and incomplete or insufficient.

Reporting Management, Cost Savings, Spend Management, Not for Profit Travel